John Crowther announces Steve Hodgson’s plans for 2020

16 Jan 2020

After over a decade of outstanding service to high school and young adults in our movement, Steve Hodgson announced his resignation from the role in December.

Steve has built a discipleship and kingdom foundation for the emerging generation.

Steve and Merridy have wholehearted served into our movement and I personally have grieved and celebrated releasing them into the new season of mission.

Please read what Steve says about his movements in 2020…


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

After 10 years serving in Youth and Young Adult Ministry with Fresh Hope I have decided that it is time to conclude my role with Fresh Hope. It has been a great joy to serve our network of churches in the roles of State Youth Coordinator and more recently as the Young Adults Catalyst.

There is a mix of sadness and expectation as I conclude my role at Fresh Hope- sadness in leaving something that I have loved so deeply and believe in, a place that is in every way a family for my wife and I and our kids (all three of our children have been born in the time we have been actively invested in this role). There is also excitement and expectation at the opportunities in the next season.

Merridy and I will be refocusing our time and energy into our missional community planting work with BASIC Church Parramatta whilst remaining aligned with Fresh Hope through their pioneering arm. I will also be taking up a role in teaching biblical studies at The Kings School in North Parramatta which has become an exciting opportunity for mission and impact locally.

I look forward to connecting with you all again along the way and there is an open invitation to get in contact if you would like, or even to come and visit us one week at BASIC Church. I have greatly appreciated your support and friendship over the years and count it as a blessing to have worked in such a kingdom focused movement and alongside so many wonderful people. I pray our movement continues to grow and bear fruit for the kingdom and I am hopeful in the future of Fresh Hope.

I am looking forward to sharing some longer reflections and learnings from the past decade in an e-news article next month.

