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Burwood Girls High Concert Delights Green Hills Residents

9 Nov, 2023

Burwood Girls High School Years 11 & 12 music students and their teacher Andy de Riccio have been on tour in The Hunter and Newcastle regions. Andy approached Green Hills Retirement Community Manager Trish Grainger with an invitation to come and perform for the residents which she welcomed with enthusiasm.  

Music filled the community hall as 40 students performed items ranging from popular soundtracks from movies such as Shrek to classical music pieces and original compositions from their string and brass ensembles. 

Hearing the girls play with such enthusiasm and dedication to their craft was a joy to witness. The students received a standing ovation from residents after all of their performances with one resident stating that it was one of the best events they have had in the community hall.  

When the concert drew to a close, the students didn’t just pack away their instruments and music, they lingered to speak and connect with residents and staff. 

Trish Grainger shared, “Once the concert finished, it was impressive to see the students engaging with residents and enjoying a light snack.” 

Fostering an environment of connection and welcome promotes an integration between our residents and community that allows them to feel more involved and aware of what is happening in the local community. 

Thank you to Burwood Girls High School students and their teacher Andy for taking the time to come and share their gifts and talents with us.