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Green Hills celebrates its One Year Anniversary 

27 Jan, 2025

Green Hills staff, residents and their families spent a wonderful summer morning in January marking the one-year anniversary of the move to the new Green Hills facility, also incorporating Australia Day celebrations. 

Shannon Fitzgerald, Manager of Residential Services reflected on the past year, highlighting the move from The Lodge and the many milestones achieved along the way. He spoke about the positive impact the household model of care has had and continues to have on the residents’ lives and how new residents and households have connected to create beautiful communities with the larger community. 

Chaplain Jeni spoke of the importance of gratitude and the sense of community that has developed over the past year, and emphasised that every act of kindness and care contributes to building a home filled with love, dignity and joy. 

The touching poem “My Country” by Dorothea Mackellar was read by residents followed by reflections by June Peace about the move to the new home. 

Celebrations concluded with resident, Jill, cutting the showstopping cake made by chef Colleen and her team who also provided the delicious treats and refreshments enjoyed by all. 

Thank you to all the Green Hills staff for your tireless efforts to make this memorable occasion for everyone. 

Reflections from residents: 

“I’m happy as we have our own areas and activities are in different places.” – Moira 

“Living here at the new place I am enjoying that I can overlook the beautiful gardens from my window.” – Zillah 

“I was pleased to move to the new place, and I have got to know more people.” – Lyn 

“I thought it was a good move, and I have a bigger room and feel more comfortable.” – Harold 

“I am really enjoying this place and am so overjoyed by it. I’m meeting more people and doing more activities here.” – June 

Reflections from staff: 

“It always excites me to see families gather within our entertainment areas to celebrate special occasions with loved ones. The delightful sounds of music, children playing, adults chatting and laughing, enjoying the event, simply warms my heart. The medical care provided by Clinical Managers, RNs, and Care Partners is still outstanding but seems to melt into the surroundings, becoming invisible to those that are not affected. Real magic!” – Susan, Cert IV Afternoon Shift Care Partner 

“Working in our new, purpose-built building has been truly transformative for staff, visitors and more importantly the residents. The modern design and thoughtful features have created a welcoming environment for all, where residents feel at home and staff feel empowered to provide the best care. It truly is a space that inspires connection, comfort, and excellence.” – Kylie, Customer Support Team Leader 

“The move from the lodge to the new Green Hills facility has been positive, especially seeing residents who previously stayed in their rooms are now out socialising with other residents. Whether it be in the dining room or sitting in the loungeroom watching a movie.” – Trish, Day Shift Care Partner 

“The building speaks for itself. Patient Centred to provide our residents the best home experience. Certainly, our facility is the gold standard in Aged Care. Nothing happens by chance. Massive, determined and deliberate hard work has been done behind the scenes. The smooth transition was only possible by the sweat and dedication of our incredible Team at Green Hills, under the exceptional, strong and capable leadership of Shannon Fitzgerald. Congratulations everyone.” – Meg Davies, Night Shift Registered Nurse