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School Groups Visit Green Hills & Ashwood Residential Care Services

11 Oct, 2023

One of Fresh Hope Communities’ core values is Connection and this is played out in a number of different ways—from how we interact within our teams to our residents, clients and their families and guests, to our connection to local community groups. 

Green Hills Residential Care Service recently had a visit from students from Maitland Christian School.  

The students and staff said they wanted to recognise and thank the team at Green Hills for all the work they do for the residents and the local community.  

Shannon Fitzgerald, Manager of Residential Services shared, “They said, it’s just a small thank you and a reminder for all of us how important we are to our community.” 

The students brought gifts of individually wrapped, homemade baked treats and spent some time with staff, volunteers and residents. 

Green Hills has been a valued part of the Maitland community for 30 years. With the new development approaching completion, connection and engagement with the community remains at the forefront of this integrated community living experience for residents and their families. 

In the same week, Ashwood Residential Care Service also had a visit from students at Greystanes High School who enjoyed a sports day with residents at Crawford House with support from the lifestyle and physio team. 

Residential Services Manager Anjee Seeckun said, “After seeing how the residents enjoyed the previous sports day, we decided to invite students from the local high school for a sports day at Crawford Lodge. The residents, staff and high school girls really enjoyed it.”

Having school and community groups visit our residential care services show residents that they are seen, valued and remain an integral part of the local community.